Search Results
CITA 930: Coherent emission in pulsars, magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts
Pulsars, Magnetars & Fast Radio Bursts | Prof. Jocelyn Bell Burnell | Astro Club FC
Lorenzo Sironi - ID PLXX: Coherent emission from relativistic magnetized shocks
Andrei Beloborodov - Magnetic power in the universe of bright transients (February 12, 2021)
The Astrophysics of Fast Radio Bursts - Eli Sironi (February 4, 2020)
SCIMMA March 2021 Public Telecon -- realfast: real-time, fast transients at the VLA
Ersin GÖĞÜŞ | Magnetars as Candidates for Fast Radio Bursts
Kasper Heintz - Host Galaxy Properties and Offsets of Fast Radio Bursts
Inside CHIME: Studying Fast Radio Bursts
Fast Radio Bursts | Aditi Marathe
Tetsuya Hashimoto: No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio-burst rates
Fast radio bursts in the era of Cherenkov Telescope Array by Tetsuya